Welcome :)

Welcome to my blog!

I am a freelance printed surface designer - I create artwork for use in fashion (womenswear mainly), interiors and stationary and created this blog to share my inspirations, work in progress, and design interests.

You can also follow me on http://pinterest.com/samwarren/ and have a glimpse of my printed surface portfolio on http://www.samanthawarren.me.uk/

Enjoy browsing! Thanks, Sam x

Friday, 17 June 2011

illustrated nails

Love these tribal nails by Illustrated Nails

LCC Summer Show

Mark Amura - Pearly King inspired surface

Janka Horvath - woven surfaces

Janka Horvath

Virghinia Monneti

Joanna Johnson's wallpaper

Pedro Lourenco



Temporary carpets - by We Make Carpets


plastic forks
detail - plastic fork carpet

toy soldiers carpet

detail - toy soldiers - brilliant




Amazing choreography - Twins, Rug Dealer

The Vorticists - Tate Britain

I recommend seeing The Vorticists at tate Briatin (although a pricey entrance at £12.70!) A movement which began in 1914 in London which followed Futurism and Cubism.
School memories came flooding back after seeing some Nevinson paintings and Jacob Epstein sculptures we studied in books which were fab to finally see in the flesh

'Arrival' Nevinson

'Rock Drill' Epstein

My new interest and inspiration - Wyndham Lewis
Wyndham Lewis

Wyndham Lewis

Wyndham Lewis